Happy New Year! The holidays and have come and gone in the blink of an eye, and we now look forward see what 2018 will bring us. I myself am a little happy to see the holidays go as I was gifted with a cold for Christmas and the flu for New Years. It was passed around our house a couple times over and I am hoping we are over it once and for all.
Our January cover was somewhat of a challenge. Several festivals had inquired about wanting to be part of it, but we only got two, out of the four, that would commit. The decision makers usually take time off during December, and in the end, we just ran out of time. The Fiddler Crab Festival and the Arts Festival are two great events that happen on The Hidden Coast each year. If you have not had the opportunity to attend them I would ask you to make plans this year. Both include great vendors, food, entertainment and local venues for the whole family. Both are also put on by hard working committees that “volunteer” their time to help their communities. If you see them out and about at the festivals let them know how much you appreciate their efforts.
Our January book includes some informative reading from our local contributors. Anything from outdoor recreation to history- we have it covered! Toni Collins has also put together a schedule of some of the more popular events going on. Our “Local Favors” page is also in the book again. This is a quick guide for some of the tasty restaurant on The Hidden Coast. These are all local owners- no corporate food here!
Thank you once again to all who are part of The Hidden Coast. We appreciate all the support and kind words about our little magazine, and we look forward to promoting this area, and it’s residents, in 2018.